There is something powerful when you’re able to pull together the wisdom of the crowd. Above is an infographic to distill research done by MyHemophiliaTeam in 2016 around common symptoms experienced by the hemophilia community and what often gets overlooked or left untreated. We’re using this as our centerpiece of discussion for the #HEMOchat Twitter chat on December 14th.
We hope you can join us on Wednesday, December 14, at 2:00PM PST (for your local time click here) for a #HEMOchat tweet chat on hemophilia symptoms to discuss:
· T1 What bleeding disorder/hemophilia symptoms do you commonly experience?
· T2 What specialists do you recommend people fold into their healthcare team?
· T3 What misconceptions do family, friends and even health care providers have about bleeding disorders?
· T4 What tips do you have for others when speaking with providers about getting treatment for other symptoms?
Tweet Chat tips:
-Don’t miss the chat! Log on 10 minutes before the start of the chat and search for the chat hashtag (#HEMOchat)
-Don’t be shy, introduce yourself! Tell us a little about you, your type of hemophilia, if you have a blog.
-Add the chat hashtag to the end of all your tweets so they show up in the stream.
-Watch for the chat host (@HemophiliaTeam) to post each topic. Respond to the current topic by starting your tweet with T1, T2, etc.. There will be 4 topics (see above).
-Follow your fellow chat participants on Twitter to keep the conversation going. We hope this is a great way to meet others living with hemophilia.
-Keep the conversation going on MyHemophiliaTeam after the chat ends. Ask questions, find providers, share life hacks, and meet others with hemophilia:
Types Of Bleeding Disorders
What Are They Symptoms Of Hemophilia?
The Emotional Side Of Bleeding Disorders
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