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Exercise and Hemophilia

Posted on May 7, 2018

"Feeling good today. Been having a problem trying to work out; every time I do it, I end up getting a bleed in my right bicep. But I'm going to switch the plan up and see if I can try again!" - A member of MyHemophiliaTeam

On MyHemophiliaTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Exercise is one of the top 10 topics most discussed.

Here are some conversations about exercise:

My 18-year-old who is a severe hemophiliac goes to the boxing gym. I'm terrified.

Am I doing too much physical therapy?

Started a new exercise program on Monday and am paying the price with incredibly sore and slightly swollen joints.

My 5-year-old son has a minor joint bleed in his ankle, it started Friday. We let him play basketball for 20 mins today and it faired back up. I know bad move on our part, we are somewhat new to joint bleeds. Does anyone have any advice on what to do?

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A MyHemophiliaTeam Member

Do you pretreat before you exercise? Maybe you need to until you build up the muscle more. Or do less reps or lighter weights. I work out in a therapy pool. Try to find a Hinges and Twinges class.

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