Hemophilia C, also known as factor XI deficiency, is a rare bleeding disorder. Here are some key points:
- Cause: Most commonly caused by inheriting a mutated version of the F11 gene from both parents (autosomal recessive pattern). It can also be inherited from just one parent or caused by other conditions like systemic Show Full Answer
Hemophilia C, also known as factor XI deficiency, is a rare bleeding disorder. Here are some key points:
- Cause: Most commonly caused by inheriting a mutated version of the F11 gene from both parents (autosomal recessive pattern). It can also be inherited from just one parent or caused by other conditions like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or Noonan syndrome.
- Symptoms: Symptoms can range from mild to moderate and include prolonged bleeding after surgery or injury.
- Inheritance: The risk of inheriting hemophilia C is the same for males and females.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the source: [What Is Hemophilia C? Symptoms, Treatment, and More | MyHemophiliaTeam](https://www.MyHemophiliaTeam.com/resources/what...).
August 27, 2024