Von Willie Brands Disease And Pregnancy
Have any women on here gotten pregnant with vonwillie brands disease... I'm not pregnant that I know of and have a few questions
Yes I have. I have been pregnant twice. Have had five Miss carriages. I was told they were due to the diease. My body saw the pregencies as a foregin object. My first pregency that resulted in birth went smooth. I did end up with a c section. My obgyn thought that was the safe way to go. My second pregency that resulted in a birth didn't go well at all. I almost lost her at 9 weeks. I was on and off bedrest due to so much bledding the first seven months. She tried to come early twice. But she was born a happy healthy baby.
Well, I've had a LOT of pregnancies...and kids...I did have one pregnancy where I continued to have periods and did not test +, even though I was CLEARLY pregnant (three months when I went to the gyne)...what did you want to know, exactly? I'm the Mom of all Moms, LOL
Did you have any issues where you continued to bled and couldn’t test positive on a home test
i had complicated pregs. miscarriage risk very high., ended up having hysterectomy, between bad bleed outs during mensy times and endometrial cancer
Pregnancy, Labor And Delivery With Von Willebrands
Do Any Of You With VWD Experience Petechiae And Fatigue?
Has Anyone Have Prolonged Menstrual Cycles Associated With Excessive Bleeding